
GemStone/S is the state-of-the-art platform for developing, deploying, and managing scalable, high-performance, multi-tier applications based on business objects.

Relevant case studies

dataguardian zinc whisker remediation for data centres


Dataguardianā„¢ is a unique conformal coating designed to completely solve zinc whisker problems in the data centre. Pinesoft are working with Dataguard Solutions Ltd. to bring the product to market. This work involves general design and construction of their website, built using the popular Wordpress CMS. More...
Pinesoft Partnership Mobile Preference Service MPS

MPS Development

Pinesoft employed agile development processes and utilised Smalltalk and Gemstone technology, the full GLASS stack, to rapidly develop the MobileĀ PreferenceĀ Service system. More...
Pinesoft Partnership Mobile Preference Service MPS

Mobile Preference Service

With the MPS, Pinesoft used high performance software products, Gemstone and Smalltalk to build an application that enables 76 million mobile users to control the flow of commercial SMS to their handsets. More...